
New updates and improvements to Shopamoji

All Announcements

Version 2.2 Release notes 🎅

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Happy New Year all Shopamojers 🎉🎅🎄 in this release:


🏷️ Prices

You asked we delivered, most asked feature is delivered, prices! 💰 Now you are able to add price tags to any product, list total will be calculated together with the current bought price. Lists view will have also the total price subtitle.


🦑 Design and UX improvements

A lot of components were reworked, including the modal bottom sheet, font update, transparent blurry app bar, transitions, back swipe, components transition animation for a smoother experience, and more.


✏️ Edit added product

Now it's possible to edit custom-added products, you can update the icon and the name!


🗑️ Granular list clean up

You can clean only bought, not bought, or altogether products in the list, which comes in handy when you have a lot of items!


🎉 And more:

- Notifications delivery improvements

- New locales: Indonesian, Afrikaan, Bulgarian